The rules of Vuorimieskilta ry (The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy) 2018
Name, domicile, purpose, and languages
1 § Name and Nominicle
The name of the association is Vuorimieskilta ry (Bergsmannagillet rf), and the informal abbreviation is VK. In the international context, the informal English-language name The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy can be used as well. These references are known as “guild”. The home city of the guild is Espoo.
2 § The purpose and action of the guild
The purpose of the guild is:
- Unite the bachelor and master level students of Aalto-university who study material technology and those who are interested in the guild
- Maintain the interest in professional, civic and general societal issues;
- To drive the common interests of its members at Aalto-university and in professional organizations;
- Maintain contacts of the organizations in the industry.
To realize its purpose, the guild:
- Arranges meetings, celebrations, study tours for members, and similar events.
- Arranges study- and information events related to studies, university and current social issues;
- Provides the information of activities with weekly newsletters, as well by providing other events and study materials to its members.
3 § Supporting the operation
To support its activity, the guild can arrange lotteries, bazaars and amusements, engage in publishing related to its field, make collaborations, receive donations and wills. In addition, the guild collects membership fees. The guild may own movable and immovable property necessary for its operations
4 § The languages of the guild
The official language of the guild is Finnish. The language of the minutes of the meeting are written in Finnish. The spoken language is Finnish and English.
Members and Fees
5 § Jäsenet
Killan jäseniä ovat varsinaiset, vanhat, ulko-, kannatus- ja kunniajäsenet.
Killan varsinaiseksi jäseneksi voidaan hyväksyä jokainen killan toiminnasta kiinnostunut Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan (AYY) varsinainen jäsen.
Killan vanhaksi jäseneksi voidaan hyväksyä jokainen killan toiminnasta kiinnostunut Teknillisessä korkeakoulussa tai Aalto-yliopistossa tutkintonsa suorittanut henkilö.
Killan ulkojäseneksi voidaan hyväksyä killan toiminnasta kiinnostunut henkilö, jota ei voida hyväksyä varsinaiseksi tai vanhaksi jäseneksi.
Killan kannatusjäseneksi voidaan hyväksyä killan toimintaa tukeva henkilö tai oikeustoimikelpoinen yhteisö.
Killan kunniajäseneksi voi killan kokous kahden kolmasosan (2/3) enemmistöllä annetuista äänistä kutsua henkilön, joka on erityisesti ansioitunut killan toiminnassa tai muuten merkittävästi edistänyt sen pyrkimyksiä. Esityksen kunniajäseneksi kutsumisesta tekee raati, mutta myös kymmenen (10) killan jäsentä käsittävällä ryhmällä on siihen oikeus.
6 § Jäsenluettelo
Killan on pidettävä kaikista jäsenistään jäsenluetteloa, josta ilmenee kunkin jäsenen täydellinen nimi ja kotipaikka. Jäsen on velvollinen ilmoittamaan killan raadille kotipaikkaansa ja nimeensä kohdistuvista muutoksista.
7 § Jäsenmaksut
Jäsenet ovat velvollisia suorittamaan lukuvuosittain killalle jäsenmaksun, jonka suuruuden erikseen kullekin jäsenryhmälle määrää killan vuosikokous.
Jäsenmaksuista ovat vapautettuja kuitenkin: 1) kunniajäsenet; 2) varsinaiset jäsenet, jotka ovat tehneet poissaoloilmoituksen Aalto yliopistoon koko jäsenmaksukaudeksi.
8 § Killasta eroaminen
Jäsen voi erota killasta ilmoittamalla siitä kirjallisesti killan raadille tai sen puheenjohtajalle tai killan kokouksessa pöytäkirjaan merkittäväksi.
9 § Dismissal from the guild or other punishment procedure
A member of a guild is regarded dismissed if the person hasn’t accomplished their expired membership fee during two months.
The board can dismiss a member who has outrageously acted against the purpose of the guild.
The board can prohibit the participation of a member for the operation of the guild temporary for a justifiable reason. The prohibition doesn’t apply to meetings of the guild.
There has to be occupied an opportunity for the member to give an explanation in the concerned case before making the decision unless the reason for dismissing is an expired membership fee of the member.
Dismissal or punishment decision has to be delivered in written for the dismissed person immediately.
10 § Complaining about dismissal decision or other punishment
The dismissed or punished member has a right to complain about the decision in writing for a meeting of the guild which then confirms or abrogates the decision made by the board. The complaint has to be delivered for the board during thirty (30) days since the dismissed or punished member has received the written announcement about the decision, and it has to be discoursed at the meeting of the guild, nevertheless not later than sixty (60) days since the delivery day of the complaint.
Guild Meetings
11 § Guild Meetings
Guild meetings include annual meeting, electoral meeting and additional meetings.
12 § Annual meeting
The annual meeting must be held by the end of the March and should address at least the following facts:
- annual report from the previous year
- income statement and balance sheet with attachments
- statement of accountants or function auditors
- acceptation of financial statement
- accepting freedom of responsibility for the board and the answerable
- plan of operation prepared by the board for current period of operation
- budgetary estimates prepared by the board for current period of operation
- amount of membership fee of the guild
- due date for paying the membership fee.
13 § Electoral meeting
The electoral meeting must be held in October or in November and shall address at least:
- the election of the chairman, secretary, treasurer and other members of the board for the next term
- the choice of official members for the next term of office
- the choice of the two accounting or function auditors and their personal deputies for the next financial year.
14 § Extraordinary meetings
An extraordinary meeting shall be held when the meeting of the guild so decides or when the board considers it to be relevant when one-tenth (1/10) of the actual members of the guild demands or when at least ten (10) guild’s actual members demands for this particular matter in writing. The meeting shall be held no later than thirty (30) days after the submission of the claim.
15 § Rights in guild’s meetings
In the guilds meetings all members have the right to be present and the right to speak. The actual members have the right to represent as well as the right to vote so that everyone has one (1) vote. The mandate cannot be used for voting.
The decision of the meeting may also grant attendance and speaking right to non-member persons.
16 § Decision making
Decisions at the guild meeting shall be made by an absolute majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise provided for in these rules. When the votes are divided evenly, the opinion of the chairman of the meeting is final, but in the elections, however, the lottery.
17 § Call for a meeting
Invitation to a meeting has to include time of the meeting, place of the meeting, and a list consisting issues discussed at the meeting. During semester of Aalto university, invitation to a meeting has to be published on an official guild message platform and an official message platform of AYY at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Otherwise, the invitation must be published at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting.
18 § Quorum
A meeting is quorum, if call for a meeting has been conducted as mentioned in 17 §.
19 § Issues to be discussed
Issues mentioned in the invitation for a meeting, will be discussed in the meeting. The meeting can also take new issues to discussion, when five sixths (5/6) of given votes declare the matter as busy.
Following issues must be mentioned in the invitation for a meeting: changing the guild rules; voting or election order; choosing or dismissing the board, a member of the board, an accountant or a function inspector; confirming the financial statement and granting discharge from obligation; or disbanding the association.
20 § Expelling of a board member or official
In a guild meeting there can be expelling from a position, of a board member or a official, during the operating period, then there has to be a mention in the invitation for a meeting. Board, a member of a board or official can resign from his/hers position during the operating period. In that case the guild meeting will choose a new board, a member of a board or official for the rest of the operating period.
The board
21 § The board
The board is chosen to run guilds tasks for a calendar year. The board means a government under associations act.
The board consists of chairman, secretary, treasurer and from three to seven (3-7) other members.
Only the actual members of the guild are eligible to apply for chairmanship.
22 § The boards tasks
The boards tasks include
- to run guilds activities and manage its government
- to prepare the things to come in the meetings and carry out the made decisions
- to manage guilds economy and property
- to decide to approve membership
- to draw up proposals for the guilds action plan, budget, action report and financial statement
- to supervise activities of the commissions and officials
- to convene the guild when necessary
- to represent the guild.
23 § The members of the board
The chairman convenes the board in meetings and leads the speech. The board manages convenings of the guild and supervises the guilds activities are in accordance with the rules.
Among its members the board nominates the vice chairman who manages chairman’s tasks when they are hindered.
The secretary’s tasks are to draw up proceedings from guilds and boards meetings, to keep a record of the boards assignments and the guilds members and to manage the archives.
The treasurer’s tasks are to manage the guilds economy and property with the board together and to prepare the budget and financial statement proposals.
The other members of the board are chosen to carry out the appropriate tasks of the guild.
24 § The boards meetings
The boards meeting is quorum if it has been announced in a manner agreed among the board and over half of the board members are present, chairman and/or vice chairman included.
The decisions are made with undisputed majority of the votes cast. If the votes are even, the chairman’s opinion decides. In the elections, even votes are resolved with a lottery.
25 § The Guild’s signature
Written signatures made in the Guild’s name are written in conjunction with the Board’s Chairperson along with another member of the Board present. When Chairperson is absent or indisposed the Vice-Chairperson will sign instead. The Board may decide to give individual members an authorization to write signatures in the Guild’s name.
Officials and Commissions
26 § Nomination, the term of office and participation.
The Guild and Board may nominate officials and committees for specific purposes in assistance of Board’s activities. When an official is nominated or a committee is founded a length of term in office needs to be determined.
Any members of the Guild may participate in committee activities according to their interests.
Administration and economy
27 § Term of office and the financial year
The Guild’s term of office and the financial year is same as the calendar year.
28 § The Accountants and activities inspectors*
The Guild’s finances and activities are monitored by the accountants and activities inspectors*.
The Board must provide the financial statement, accompanied by additional documentation, and the action report of the year to the accountants twenty one (21) days before the Annual Guild Meeting.
The accounts are to be inspected when it is requested.
The Accountants and activities inspectors* are to provide the Board with a written report directed towards the Annual Guild’s Meeting. The report will include an inspection to the administration and finances of the Guild and it will be delivered fourteen (14) days before the Annual Meeting.
Specific provisions
29 § Emblems and symbols of the guild
Guilds emblems, symbols and official noticeboard is decided by the guild meeting.
Emblems and symbols of the guild are defined more precisely in the separate guideline.
30 § Oltermanni
Oltermanni is the guilds advisor and the person functions as a link between the schools teachers and the guild.
The guild recognises Oltermanni as the Aalto University Department of Materials Science teaching professor, permanent assistant, professor or a special teacher after the opinion of the designated person has been inquired.
31 § Changing the rules
Changes can be made to the rules, if the proposal of the change has been approved at least by three quarters (3/4) majority of the given votes in two (2) consecutive guild meetings. These meeting have to have minimum of fourteen (14) days in between. Proposal of change has to be mentioned in the invitation to the meeting.
Proposal of change can be made by the board, one tenth (1/10) of the guildmembers or ten (10) guildmembers with a written to the board. Proposal has to be dealt with in the next guild meeting, which has to be taken within thirty (30) days after the proposal has been submitted.
32 § Discharge of the guild
The guild discharges, if the guild meeting approves it at least by three quarters (3/4) majority of the given votes in two (2) consecutive guild meetings. These meeting have to have minimum of sixty (60) days in between. Proposal of the discharge has to be mentioned in the invitation to the meeting.
After the guild has discharged or it has been discontinued, the founds of the guild are transferred to AYY. The founds are used by the rules 2 §. If that is not possible the founds are used to support AYY.
33 § Rule changes become effective
The rule change becomes effective when it is entered in the register of associations.
34 § Things that are not ordered in the rules
If things have not been ordered in the rules, the Finnish Law of Associations is followed.
Job descriptions of members of the board
The composition of the board, with the exception of the rules, is as follows:
- A host who carries out practical arrangements for parties, parties and meetings and works in co-operation with his/her hostess.
- A hostess who carries out practical arrangements for parties, parties and meetings and cooperates with the host.
- A Freshman Sergeant that monitors and guides new members of the guild to get acquainted with the college community and the actions of the guild.
- The Excursion Master, who carries out the arrangements for study trips, is responsible for co-operation between IFMMS (International Federation of Mining and Metallurgy students) and serves as the equivalent of international affairs.
- Editor-in-Chief, who is responsible for delivering the guild magazine and manufacturing other printing products.
- Master of Studies who is in contact with the university and who influences to the subjects relevant to control the interests of the students.
Changing the Rules must be accepted at the guild meeting. The change must be reported in the notice of the meeting.